Reasons why ERASMUS was good for me:

·          Fell in love
·          Became more self-confident and believed more on myself
·          Found myself as a positive thinker, come close to the philosophy of “Positive Thinking” and “Importance of Now”
·          Had more money than ever before
·          Bought the flat in Tbilisi
·          Got the chance to work with amazing people and became the member of the best team ever - DG-Salt
·          Attended many conferences; visited my dreaming conference - BETT SHOW in London
·          Made the research and was an independent researcher at the Erasmus+ project
·          Created training program for teachers and applied for TPDC
·          Applied for CELTA
·          Worked on my PhD thesis
·          Read a lot of academic and non-academic literature what I wanted to read but had no time before
·          Wrote three academic articles
·          Made friendship with professor Stan Dylak and he was offered to be a supervisor at IBSU
·          Studied Polish and Italian languages a little
·          Made new-old friends, and strengthens some old friendships
·          Kicked out of my life some toxic people
·          Met some amazing people whom I am planning the relationship the rest of my life
·          Spent loads of time for travelling (Poland, Germany - three times, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Czech Republic – four times, Georgia – seven times, Armenia – two times, Ukraine, the UK)
·          Joined the gym the first year and the next year visited swimming pool
·          Ate more healthy food
·          I blogged a lot and preserved these two years as I promised myself at the beginning of Erasmus
·          Tasted sushi and Indian food first but not last time
·          Challenged myself in different ways and did it almost all cases

Overall, I am grateful for these two years, for the people around me, who gave me the opportunities, and I used the most of them hopefully. 
