The second day of Uni

What happened today?
The first and the most important thing what happened today is that my friend has a baby boy today…. I am so happy. I did not meet him yet, but I love him very much… :*
In the morning I had Polish course for 2 hours, and then my duty was to find the place, where my second lecture "Developing teachers' critical thinking through education" would be, but it was not easy to locate the place. To make it short, Adam Mickiewicz University has six or seven university chapters, but all of them are very far from each other. Thank god, I have google map, thanks to the technology because it is already freezing outside here in Poznan and it is not easy to walk a lot in the street. So I tried to use my Google map, and find the way to get to my lecture….Finally, I was there one hour before, and I had a splendid coffee in the cafeteria of the University. Then I found the room number 112, where my lecture would be. There was one Kirgizstan boy, 7-8 Spanish boys and girls… speaking English with Spanish accent, when you are trying to catch up to understand what they want to say.
The last, but not the least things what happened, the lecturer could not come… :) We were waiting for him about 15-20 minutes. Then I returned to the centre to meet my dormitory friend Kamilla, we were in a nice place to drink coffee and had excellent, the sweet conversation about everything,  but nothing, as always happening with girls.
And the day was passed….

Tomorrow I also have new classes, and finally, decided what I will choose for the whole year, because I found out my schedule so tough and I don’t want to make my timetable busy and have the stress the whole semester…
